Chemical Evolution across Space and Time: From the Big Bang to Prebiotic

Lori Zaikowski, Jon Friedrich - Chemical Evolution across Space and 
Time: From the Big Bang to Prebiotic Chemistry (2008)

Chemical Evolution across Space and Time: From the Big Bang to Prebiotic

The concept of evolutionary change is a fundamental thread linking the sciences. An evolutionary perspective can provide one framework for unifying and advancing the sciences, and chemistry has made important contributions to our understanding of evolution. Chemists today use principles of evolution and take lessons from chemistry in nature to advance modern chemistry in areas such as agriculture, energy, new materials, and pharmaceuticals. The book explores the evolutionary nature of chemistry and the scientific evidence that supports it, and is a source of ideas for integrating these concepts in chemistry courses. The publication will be of interest to chemists, instructors and students of chemistry, and all others with an interest in the evolution of the universe in which we live.

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