Download > Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society

Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society
Author(s):Martha Rosenthal
Publisher:Cengage Learning
Pages (biblio\tech):576\580

body  , anatomy , physiology , pdf  ,  usa  , canada , cellular biology ,  cells  , dan

Using humor and a contemporary voice, HUMAN SEXUALITY FROM CELLS TO SOCIETY, 1E engages readers to acquire a greater knowledge of their bodies, their values, and their relationships with others. This concise, comprehensive, and up-to-date book emphasizes critical thinking--in both human sexuality research as well as readers own sexual lives--and is geared to help readers understand the diverse foundations of sexuality, as well as provide skills to evaluate current research and data. Working from a multidisciplinary perspective, the authors approach is accessible to anyone, even without a background in biology or critical thinking, and allows readers to see how human sexuality interrelates with psychology, biology, health, law, media, religion, and other topics that at first glance seem unrelated.


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