Download > The Physical Universe, 14th Edition

The Physical Universe, 14th Edition
Author(s):Konrad Krauskopf, Arthur Beiser
Pages (biblio\tech):754\754

canada  , usa  , ap  , physics  , course, pdf

This is an outstanding text with a long history that has been updated and given a fresh look. The Physical Universe is also accompanied by strong media component with the Connect online homework system, personal response system ("clicker") questions, more extensive online quizzing, and PowerPoint lectures. Aimed at presenting the essentials of physics, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy in a clear, easy-to-understand way, The Physical Universe shows students how science works, how scientists approach problems, and why science constantly evolves in its search for understanding. The text can also be packaged with its long time companion student study guide, which includes a review of chapter terms and concepts; self quizzing for extra practice; and additional solved problems.


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