New Thinking About Genetics (21st Century Science)

Kara Rogers
New Thinking About Genetics (21st Century Science)

The science is comprehensive, densely detailed, and up to date in these titles from the 21st Century Science series, which also discusses urgent sociopolitical and ethical issues that are in the news right now. New Thinking about Genetics focuses on the science of DNA, chromosomes, and genes, as well as on controversies about cloning and stem-cell research, with enthusiastic appreciation for recent human genome research and what it has revealed about our relationships to other living organisms. The heavy technical detail makes these titles best for research or presenting in chunks as a way to spark discussion. The series' textbooklike design includes lots of subheads, occasional background screens, and black-and-white photos and diagrams. Back matter includes a glossary and up-to-date bibliography.

New Thinking About Genetics (21st Century Science)

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