Understanding Earth

Grotzinger J.,Jordan T.H.(Eds.) Understanding Earth
Seventh Edition,W.H.Freeman and Company,2014. — ISBN: 1464138745 — 650 pages
For the introductory geology or physical geology course. Understanding Earth offers both majors and non-majors rock solid content that originated with the ground-breaking text, Earth. In subsequent editions, the text has consistently met the needs of today’s students with exceptional content, currency, interactive learning features, and an overall focus of the role of geological science in our lives.
Understanding Earth doesn’t merely present the concepts and processes of physical geology— the authors focus on how we know what we know. Students actively take part in the scientific process of discovery and learn through experience as they explore the impact of geology on their lives as citizens and future stewards of the planet. The new edition incorporates coverage of recent natural disasters (the 2011 tsunami), fracking and other natural resources issues, the latest developments in climate change, and key events such as the Mars mission and the arrest of geologists in Italy.
The Earth System
Plate Tectonics: The Unifying Theory
Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks
Igneous Rocks: Solids from Melts
Sedimentation: Rocks Formed by Surface Processes
Metamorphism: Alteration of Rocks by Temperature and Pressure
Deformation: Modifi cation of Rocks by Folding and Fracturing
Clocks in Rocks: Timing the Geologic Record
Early History of the Terrestrial Planets
History of the Continents
Geobiology: Life Interacts with Earth
Exploring Earth’s Interior
The Climate System
Weathering, Erosion, and Mass
Wasting: Interactions Between the Climate and Plate Tectonic Systems
The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater
Stream Transport: From Mountains to Oceans
Winds and Deserts
Coastlines and Ocean Basins
Glaciers: The Work of Ice
Landscape Development
The Human Impact on Earth’s

Understanding Earth, geology

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