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-= The developing human (10th ed.) =-

human  , anatomy  , body  ,  histology

Moore K.L., Persaud T.V.N., Torchia M.G. The developing human. Clinically oriented embryology, 10th ed., 2016

"..a well composed text for a good understanding of human development in the context of current state of knowledge of biomedical sciences." Reviewed by Dr. Neel Kamal on behalf of BACCH Newsletter, June 2015

Review questions and answers at the end of each chapter allow for effective exam preparation. Covers the latest advances in embryology, including normal and abnormal embryogenesis, causes of birth defects, and the role of genes in human development. Details how discoveries in molecular biology have affected clinical practice, including the development of sophisticated new techniques such as recumbent DNA technology and stem cell manipulation. Clinical case presentations, highlighted in special boxes, demonstrate how embryology concepts relate to clinical practice and are ideal for preparing for the USMLE Step 1. Three-dimensional animations—2 new to this edition—help visual learners understand the subjects as discussed in the book as a whole. New and thoroughly revised assessment questions by Mark Torchia. Presents an authoritative description of human embryology through all stages of development. Rich illustrations correspond to the text to enhance comprehension.


Introduction to the developing human
First week of human development
Second week of human development
Third week of human development
Fourth to eighth weeks of human development
Ninth week to birth: the fetal period
Placenta and fetal membranes
Body cavities, mesenteries, and diaphragm
Pharyngeal apparatus, face, and neck
Respiratory system
Alimentary system
Urogenital system
Cardiovascular system
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Development of limbs
Nervous system
Development of eyes and ears
Integumentary system
Human birth defects
Common signaling pathways used during development
Discussion of clinically oriented problems


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