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-= Lersten N.R. Flowering Plant  Embryoloy =-

Flowering Plant Embryoloy

Lersten N.R. Flowering Plant Embryoloy. With Emphasis on Economic Species. Blackwell Publishing, 2004

Drawing from a lifetime of teaching botany, Dr. Nels Lersten presents the study of the structures and processes involved in the reproduction of plants in his text Flowering Plant Embryology. This richly illustrated reference text, with more than 350 figures and illustrations, presents general angiosperm embryology as it applies to economically important plants. The unique focus on economically important species increases the relevance of this book to today's students and researchers in the plant sciences. Lersten emphasizes the plant species that affect human livelihood, including weeds and other cultivated plants that are used for commercial products. Selected from the thousands of economically important plants, the examples chosen for illustration and discussion are familiar, especially to students from North America, Northern Europe, and Japan. Although the emphasis of this book is economically important plants, the information within applies to almost all flowering plants. Extremely readable and well-written, this book is neither dense nor academic in tone. Lersten treats topics with a uniformity of style and organization that enhances comprehension. Terms are well-defined and the derivation of each is explained to further facilitate student learning. The book presents research results, hypotheses, and speculations about why things are as they are, with supporting facts and specific examples that provide a firm foundation for students' understanding of embryological diversity among economic plants.

Background: General works on embryology
Background: Embryology and systematics
The floral appendages
The sexual life cycle
Literature cited

Stamen variation in representative families
Stamen anatomy
Growth of the stamen: The anther
Growth of the stamen: Filament elongation
Anther dehiscence
Evolution of the stamen
Literature cited

Introduction to pollen
Pollen development in sorghum
Pollen development in sweet pepper
Pollen development in the mustard family
Pollen development in sunflower
Literature cited

Pollen sac before meiosis
Tapetal behavior
Tapetal function
Post-meiosis: The pollen wall
Post-meiosis: Internal microspore/pollen events
Numbers of pollen produced
Literature cited

Carpel evolution and development
Carpel variations: General considerations
Carpel variations: Syncarpy
Carpel structure: Stigma
Carpel structure: Style and transmitting tissue
Literature cited

Ovule form and development
Ovule failure and ovule abortion
Embryo sac (megagametophyte) development
Cells in the normal (Polygonum) type of embryo sac
Literature cited

Pollen desiccation and rehydration (harmomegathy)
Factors in pollination success or failure
Pollen-stigma interaction: Incompatibility
Pollen-stigma interaction: Self-incompatibility
Callose and incompatibility
Molecular basis for pollenstigma interactions
Compatible interaction
Literature cited

Germination and early tube growth
Cells and nuclei within the pollen tube
Dimorphic sperm cells and the male germ unit
Guiding and nurturing the pollen tube
Callose plugs
Swelling and branching of pollen tubes
Pollen tube competition carpel "filters"
Pollen tube growth in ovary and ovule
Pollen tube discharge and double fertilization
Literature cited

Generalizations and historical interpretations
Introduction to endosperm types
Multicellular endosperm
Coenocytic/multicellular endosperm
Coenocytic endosperm
Movement of carbohydrates into endosperm
Aleurone layer and mature endosperm
Functions of endosperm
Speculations on endosperm variation
Literature cited

The zygote
The suspensor
The early proembryo proper
Embryogenesis in dicots
Embryogenesis in monocots
Nutrition of the embryo
Induction of dormancy
Green (chlorophyllous) embryos
Literature cited


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