Learn English : Professional English in Use (6 Books to Download )

Learn  English  : Professional English in Use (6 Books to  Download ) 

Learn  English  : Professional English in Use (6 Books to  Download )

1) Professional English in Use: Marketing, Cate Farrall, Marianne Lindsley.
Cambridge University Press, 2008 г. , 144 стр. Уровень: Intermediate – Advanced.
Данная книга подходит для профессионалов, работающих в сфере маркетинга, владеющих английским языком на уровне не ниже среднего. 50 разделов на различные темы, включая маркетинговые исследования, PR, охватывают основную лексику по маркетингу. Подходит как для самостоятельного обучения, так и для работы в группе. Аутентичные тексты.

2) Brown G.D., Sally Rice. Professional English in Use. Law
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Suitable for upper-intermediate to advanced students, Professional English in Use Law contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal terms and vocabulary and has been has been developed using authentic legal texts and documents. Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, real property law, employment law, information technology, contract law and intellectual property. The book also introduces general legal vocabulary related to legal systems, legal professions and functional language lawyers need in their daily working lives.

3) Esteras S.R., Fabre E.M. Professional English in Use: Computers and Internet (Intermediate & Advanced)
Cambridge, 2007. 115 p.
Книга состоит из глав, которые упорядочены по сложности. Каждый юнит имеет свою тему. Юнит состоит из трех частей: текст, упражнения по тексту и творческое задание, которое надо сделать письменно(или в некоторых случаях это будет задание на компьютере)

4) Ibbotson Mark. Professional English in Use Engineering
The book presents around 1,500 of the most important technical words and phrases in English that engineers and engineering technicians need for their work

5) MacKenzie I. Professional English in Use. Finance
Cambridge, 2006. 136 p.
Professional English in Use Finance is suitable for intermediate students and includes 50 units covering all aspects of financial vocabulary from Accounting to Borrowing and Lending, Central Banking to Venture Capital and many more areas including financial idioms and metaphors. This book is a must for both trainers and learners of ESP and Business English, who need to use English in a financial environment.

6) Glendinning Eric H., Howard Ron. Professional English in Use/ Medicine
Cambridge. 167 p.
Intermediate, Upper-intermediate
Basics. Medical and paramedical personnel and places. Education and training. Systems, diseases and symptoms. Investigations. Treatment.
Epidemiology. Ethics. Research. Taking a history. Examination.



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